Due to lots of interest I will be holding a summer Primitive Survival skills 101 workshop on June 23, 2018. This will be held at Pleasant Grove Park in Fluvanna Co., Va. The April 28 class went really well and was a great group. Last week I did a 2 hour demo for the Crozet library at Mint Springs Valley park outside of Crozet. We didn't do any hands-on but much information was exchanged.
Just a reminder that the yucca's are showing their flower stalks now, by the end of June they will be full length and the flowers will be starting to fall off. That's the best time to harvest, remember to get the straightest ones you can find. Remember, for friction fire spindles less wobble means more success !! If you are on Facebook, check out my page www.facebook.com/primitivesurvivalskills/?ref=bookmarks for good articles on edible/medicinal/utilitarian plants and other survival info. Thanks for reading, please pass on the word about my next 101 workshop and like us on Facebook !!
July 2023
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